Send emails
with confidence
VerifiedEmail is the fastest, most accurate real-time email verification and bulk email list cleaning solution on the market today. Thanks to our proprietary, on-demand infrastructure, VerifiedEmail offers the most competitive pricing without compromising on precision or security.
Verify emails right at the point of entry. Human verification built in.
Clean existing email lists once or continuously. Reduce bounce rates and avoid suspensions.
Fast and reliable API, website widget, pre-built integrations with all major email delivery platforms.
Bounces are bad
Email delivery platforms closely monitor bounce rates and list quality to protect email deliverability and sender reputation.
of email lists decay per year on average
bounce rate will get your sender account suspended
Ensure compliance
VerifiedEmail checks email validity at every step. With the right email verification tool, you'll avoid jeopardizing your sending privileges, skewing marketing campaign metrics, and wasting resources on dead email addresses.
Verify entered emails in real time
Embed our Website Widget into your landing page or use our real-time API for custom integrations. We verify email addresses instantly at the point of capture. Integrated reCAPTCHA ensures you only pay to verify emails from real visitors.
Bulk email list cleaning
We eliminate undeliverable emails with 99% precision and provide scoring data for questionable emails to help you determine the best sending policies based on your use case.
Continuous list maintenance
VerifiedEmail's Continuous Cleanup monitors and optimizes email list quality on an ongoing basis. It's cheap and automatically handles temporarily unreachable recipients like those with full mailboxes.
Why choose VerifiedEmail?
VerifiedEmail was developed as an internal email validation tool and successfully verifies millions of emails per day in real time. To keep costs low, we designed the VerifiedEmail checker to scale resources on-demand and eliminate unnecessary overhead without compromising on email verification quality and deliverability. For the first time, we are passing those savings on to you. We’re like AWS for email validation.
Get Started Right Now.
We will give you free credits to verify 200 emails to get you hooked, and we will do whatever we need to do to get your business.