
Verification Results

Viewing Results in App.Verified.Email

On the Individual Email Verifications page of VerifiedEmail, the status of each verified address appears to the right of the address.

How To Viewing Results in App.Verified.Email

You can click the drop-down arrow next to each status to view additional verification details.

Viewing Results in App.Verified.Email

Full Result Explanation

When you verify addresses via the API, the full result includes the following details for each address:

Email: Input email

Score: A “score” we assigned to an email after the verification, 0-100

For more information, please see Scoring, later in this article.

Result: "pending" | "malformed" | "unknown" | "ghost" | "nonexistent" | "full" | "deliverable"

For an explanation of each result - also known as statuses - please see Verification Results/Statuses, later in this article.

Error: The error, if any

Role: We can detect “info”, “sales”, “support”, and other roles.

Alias: For email providers that support +alias, what the was, if any. For example, in the address john+example@gmail.com, “example” is an alias.

Canonical: If there was an alias, the main address without the alias. To continue the example above, the canonical address would be “john@gmail.com”.

isGhost: Ghost is an email address that does not have MX servers or DNS records at all.

isMX: Whether or not the domain has MX records.

isSubDomain: Whether or not the email address was created under a subdomain.

For example, someone@verified.email does not involve a subdomain. By contrast, someone@corp.verified.email uses the subdomain corp.verified.email, which is a subdomain of verified.email.

isCatchAll: Whether or not the domain “catches” mail to any email address (anything before @domain.com)

isFree: Whether or not this email address is registered on a free email service like gmail or outlook

isDisposable: Whether or not the address is registered using a disposable email system

isGovernment: Whether or not the address is under a government domain

isAcademic: Whether or not the address is under an academic domain

isMilitary: Whether or not the address is under a military domain

isGoogleWorkspace: Is this a Google Workspace custom domain? For example, some companies use Google Workspace to host email but the email domain is customized, like verified.email, rather than @gmail.com.

isOutlook365: Is this an Outlook 365 custom domain? This is similar to a Google workspace custom domain, except hosted by Outlook 365.

dateAdded: When this email address was first added to your VerifiedEmail account

dateLastVerified: When VerifiedEmail last attempted to verify the address

dateLastValid: If the address was ever valid, this shows the most recent date on which it was verified to be valid.


VerifiedEmail assigns a score to each email address we verify, based on a variety of factors.

  • 90-100 – This is a great score. The email address is valid and messages are most likely to be received.
  • 70-90 – This is a solid score. We have detected some issues, but messages sent to the address are still likely to be delivered.
  • Under 70 - Scores under 70 usually indicate that the address cannot receive messages or sending a message to that address is risky.

Verification Statuses / Results

This article provides a list of all possible verification results for each email address.

For each email address verified via API, the body of the API response will include one of the following statuses:

Status Title Description
deliverable Deliverable Mailbox exists and accepts mail.
failed Undeliverable Messages cannot be delivered to the email address.
full Mailbox Full Mailbox exists, but it’s full and cannot accept mail.
ghost Ghost Domain does not exist or MX servers are not found for the domain name.
malformed Malformed Email address is not a valid email according to standards.
nonexistent Non-existent Email address does not exist on the server.
pending Pending Pending verification.
unknown Unknown VerifiedEmail was unable to connect to the email server after multiple attempts.