With VerifiedEmail’s Zapier integration, you can quickly and easily validate users’ email addresses in a third-party system and automatically update the user’s record in that system with the verification results.
For example, you can create a Zap to connect HubSpot and VerifiedEmail. When a user enters an email address in HubSpot, the Zap automatically passes the address to your VerifiedEmail account for validation. The Zap can retrieve the validation result from VerifiedEmail in real time, and update the HubSpot contact record accordingly.
Alternatively, you can create a Zap to verify multiple email addresses (up to 10) in real time.
Connecting Zapier to VerifiedEmail
Connecting Zapier to VerifiedEmail is simple:
- Click the Zapier page in the left-hand navigation menu.
- Click Create Zapier Connection Key.
- The Widget dialog appears. Decide whether to clear the Auto Refill checkbox or leave it selected; if you leave it selected, you will automatically purchase additional verification credits if your balance drops below 10 credits while verifying addresses using this widget. Click Save when you are ready to proceed.
- Your Zapier Connection Key appears. Copy it for pasting into Zapier.
- In Zapier, create a Zap that will make a call to VerifiedEmail using one of the following actions:
- Verify Email
- Verify Multiple Emails

- In the Account field for the VerifiedEmail step, click Select. A new browser tab opens prompting you to allow Zapier to access your VerifiedEmail account.
- Configure additional steps in the Zap as needed. To continue this example, you might create another HubSpot action to update the contact with the verification result.

Paste in your Zapier Connection Key from step 4, and then click Yes, Continue to VerifiedEmail.

The Zapier Verifications Email List
All email addresses verified via your Zapier integration are automatically added to the dedicated Zapier Verifications list on the Email Lists page.