Geri Mileva
Geri Mileva, based in Prague, blends engineering accuracy with storytelling to create impactful marketing and verification content. Learn more about her work at
Learn what a good email open rate is and how to boost it. Discover benchmarks, key factors, and practical tips to ensure your email campaigns succeed.
Learn how to reduce bounce rate in your email marketing campaign. Discover key strategies to improve deliverability and boost conversions.
Explore effective ways to improve email deliverability to ensure your emails reach their target. Learn about sender reputation, content tips, and more.
Explore the 6 best email verification tools and services of 2024. Expert reviews on features, accuracy, speed, and more for informed decision-making.
Learn what a hard bounce is, how it impacts email deliverability, and steps to minimize hard bounces for a healthier email list.
What an accept-all domain is, how it impacts your email campaigns, and best practices for managing these types of domains in your list.
Discover what graymail is, why it impacts engagement, and strategies for managing graymail to keep your email list healthy and engaged.
Understand real-time email validation, how it works to verify emails instantly, and its role in improving list accuracy and deliverability.
The meaning of verification API, how it validates data like emails in real-time, and the benefits it brings to data accuracy and security.
Learn what KPIs are in email marketing, essential examples, and ways to track them to measure and improve campaign success.
Understand IP warming, why it’s essential for new senders, and how gradually increasing email volume builds a positive reputation with ISPs.
The meaning of email scrubbing, why it’s essential, and how regular scrubbing improves deliverability and engagement rates.
Discover what bounce rate is, the difference between soft and hard bounces, and how managing this metric improves email deliverability.
Learn what an email whitelist is, how it helps emails bypass spam filters, and why getting whitelisted boosts your deliverability and engagement.
Discover the meaning of unsubscribe rate, how it affects your email list health, and strategies to reduce unsubscribes.
Discover feedback loops, how they help email senders reduce spam complaints, and their role in improving deliverability and campaign success.
The meaning of DKIM, how it works to authenticate emails, and why it's crucial for email security and improving deliverability.
Definition of email list fatigue, its causes, and strategies for re-engaging your subscribers to keep your audience active and interested.
Discover what conversion rate is, why it matters in email marketing, and how to calculate it to boost your campaign's performance.
What an email campaign is, its types, and essential elements like targeting, CTAs, and design for driving engagement and results.
The meaning of list hygiene, why it’s crucial for email deliverability, and how to maintain a clean email list for better campaign results.
Discover what a spam trap is, the different types of spam traps, and how they impact email deliverability and sender reputation.
Learn what email open rate is, why it’s a key metric in email marketing, and tips for improving open rates to boost conversions.
The meaning of email deliverability rate, how it works, and why it’s crucial for successful email campaigns.
Find out what email throttling is, why senders use it, and how it helps maintain a good sender reputation and improve deliverability rates.
Discover what MX records are, how they direct emails to the right server, and why proper setup is key for smooth email delivery.
What a sender score is, how it impacts your email deliverability, and why maintaining a high score is key for successful email campaigns.
Discover what SMTP check is, how it verifies if an email address can receive messages, and why it’s vital for reducing bounces.
Discover what an email blacklist is, how it affects deliverability, and tips for staying off blacklists to protect your sender reputation.
Verify 500 emails for free. For lists over one-million emails, we will beat the price of any competitor, guaranteed.